Finance Committee

Finance Committee

Chair / Board Representative: Dave Mihalovich

Vice Chair: Kelli Belt

Staff Liaison: Kathy Raab

Per the Bylaws: The Finance Committee shall be composed of the President Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, three at-large Builder members and three at-large Associate members, or their Affiliate, selected by the President. The Finance Committee shall meet upon call of the Chair. Five members shall constitute a quorum. The Finance Committee, in cooperation with the Officers, shall be charged with budgeting and financial planning to ensure the proper functioning of the Association’s staff and activities. Chair and Vice Chair shall be appointed annually by the President and subject to confirmation of the Board of Directors. The Committee will nominate one of their members to be a voting member of the MBA Board of Directors.   The Finance Committee assists the board in monitoring the integrity of the financial reporting process, systems of internal controls, financial statements, and reports of the Organization, the performance of the Organization’s internal audit function, and the compliance by the Organization with legal and regulatory requirements.