MBA Members
Not a member? Join today to receive these benefits and more!
Upcoming Events
The MBA hosts many events each month to help our members engage with each other to grow their businesses and strengthen their companies. If you or someone from your company is interested in attending one of the upcoming events, click below to get to the MBA calendar and sign up TODAY!
Connect with other MBA members by joining one of our Networking Groups! It is a great way to meet new people and build industry connections. At the MBA, there are four different groups available for members to be a part of. Each group includes members from various types of industries; however, each group is limited and exclusive to one company per industry category. Joining a networking group is not only a great way to improve your business, but it is an excellent way to become an active member of the Metro Builders Association.
Committees & Councils
We encourage members to get involved in our Councils and Committees, or other groups. Being involved in the MBA, at this level of participation not only enhances your membership experience but also widens your network and provides an opportunity to become a spokesperson for the industry. If you enjoy meeting people, making a difference, and going the extra mile, getting involved in one of the MBA’s groups is perfect for you.
Legal Advice
As a member of the MBA, you also have membership in the Wisconsin Builders Association at the State level. One of the benefits of that state-level membership is the legal advice hotline. If you have a contract, building code or general construction related question, you can start here!
Contracts & Forms
There are many contracts and forms that are included in your membership. You can download them as a Microsoft Word file to fill in the sections you need to edit. These documents are updated every few years, so make sure you are using the most current contracts and forms.
Spike Club
The MBA grows our strength through member recruitment, retention, and involvement! Recruiting new members to the Metro Builders Association (MBA) is recognized and rewarded through the Spike Club. Those who participate are called Spikes, and they are among the most valued members of the association.
DC/DCQ Credential Lookup
To check the status of your Dwelling Contractor or Dwelling Contractor Qualifier license, click on the link below.